“The black bride”


Original painting by Mona Stenseth
Production Year: 2020
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 50 x 61 cm
PS: Please note that in addition to the cost of the painting, there will be an additional charge for shipping, as well as a 5% art fee (Kunstavgift). After reserving/purchasing a painting online, you will be contacted via mail and presented with available shipping methods. Alternatively, you have the option to schedule a pickup from the atelier (Porsgrunn, Norway) in which case no shipping fees will apply. You will be informed about the additional costs before your payment is processed.
This image was commissioned by Cappelen Damm and the Norwegian author Anne Elvedal and her book “Den sorte bruden”. The original artwork is available for sale.
Availability: 1 in stock

Additional information

Dimensions 61 × 73 cm